Not the 2020 you planned

I know you. I know you create to-do lists that would require a small army to complete and you constantly think you’re not doing enough, or not doing anything well enough. So I’m guessing the “List Guilt” this year could be monumental. 

Did you make plans for 2020? Did you write out goals? I did. I do it every year.

Remember in January 2020 when everyone was posting a summary of their decade from 2010-2019? Then they wrote their hopes and dreams for the next decade. LOL, right?

It’s hard when things don’t go to plan. From something as small as your friend cancelling that coffee catch up you were in dyre need of, to your life plans being pulled from underneath you, by your life partner, a sick parent….a virus. 

We’re never gonna hope that our plans fail. 

HOWEVER- we rarely learn anything when things go to plan, when things go right. 

Here were my plans for this year:

>Do a New Frontiers course (did that in January and February thankfully!)

>Finish two diplomas (can’t travel to England to complete one of them)

>Improve my fitness and health

>Buy our first home

What actually happened:

>So I did that course- YAY!

>Despite being locked in the house for two months straight in lockdown I still didn’t complete all the online coursework for those two diplomas…ugh, I know.

>I worked out twice a day in lockdown, so actually got into pretty good shape, but then when work resumed I was super tired (I know, I know, excuses excuses) and now I’m pregnant and shovelling chicken pasta into my mouth, with bread on the side (not weird right? Except the bread is covered in Bonne Maman Raspberry jam and the combo is divine to my preggo taste buds) So, circumference wise- I’m the biggest I’ve been in my whole life.

>Living with extended family, a housemate and two dogs. (Not gonna lie, loving it most of the time- I’m a family lover, homebird) So, a new home is slightly farther away on the horizon as I’ll have a new mouth to feed next year and I won’t be able to work outside the home for a fair few months.

>I baked so much and God damnit I loved every second of it, every crumb I licked my finger to collect off my plate, every spoon of cake mixture or regrets...I’d bake it all again, I’d eat it all again.

>I’ve been experiencing my first pregnancy remote from my friends, extended family and completely alone in appointments. That’s some of the stuff I DID. 

But, what I want you all to see in yourselves, is what you have LEARNED and how much STRONGER and more RESILIENT you have become in this year. Don’t roll your eyes- you have.

I know you. I know you create to-do lists that would require a small army to complete and you constantly think you’re not doing enough, or doing anything well enough. So I’m guessing the “List Guilt” this year could be monumental. 

I want you to take that list, turn it over and write out all the things you’ve done that surprised you. I want you to recognise and celebrate what you HAVE DONE, HAVE LEARNED, not mourn the plans you didn’t see come to life. 

See below for an example:

>Managed to live with my family for an extended period of time without murdering any of them - tick!

>Only fantasised about hopping in the car, driving down to Rosslare and straight onto a Ferry to begin my new life in a French Vineyard, once a week- tick!

>Managed a new level of stress that, had you described it to me, I would have said would lead to a nervous breakdown. I watched videos of people cleaning their kitchens on youtube to relax me to sleep...not even joking. Oddly, it hasn’t made me more domestic. But I’ll continue the experiment and get back to you.

>Realised how amazing it is to be able to hug someone you love. I love hugs. They’re medicinal. We all need a good few doses right now. 

>Realised how capable of change I am. How accepting of change I am. Do I LIKE change? No. Do I procrastinate over possible changes? Yes. But when it’s put in front of you, we adapt. Everyone’s ability to adapt has wowed me. 


It’s good to share- let’s all celebrate your unexpected achievements below!

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