About Us

  How we started Molehill 

Mother and Daughter founders of Irish Family hand made Brand

Rebecca and Noeleen 
The Mother and Daughter behind Molehill Studio

Throughout my life, special occasions were always marked with something my mum made specially for me. My christening robe, Holy Communion Dress, Halloween Costumes, Speech and Drama costumes, birthday and Christmas quilts. 

Even on my Graduation Day in Trinity College, mum revealed my exam mascot (fondly known to all as Sheepy) wearing matching graduation robes, cap and all, as I was wearing that day.

The warm feeling that gave me, deep in my belly, burning behind my eyes, was priceless. That was the feeling of being loved.

Knowing that she had taken the time to think ahead to that moment, research what colors my degree would be on the robes and then MAKE it, just for me. Incredible.

And you know, it wasn’t just the special occasions, everyday moments were made special by something my mum had handmade, baked, cooked, crafted, sewn or knitted.

The traditions in our home were all born out of my mother’s love. We know that every home and family has these traditions and holds this love and care for their friends and family deep within them too.

But, with the crazy fast pace of life nowadays, we also know, all too well, that you won’t always have the time to put together a gift that truly expresses the care and consideration you have for the recipient.

And so, Molehill was born...